Korean Relaxation Massage

What is Korean relaxation massage ?

This ancient Southeast Asian technique produces waves of swaying, undulation, oscillation, vibration, microshaking, traction and rotation, accompanied by progressive muscle stretching and weightlessness motions.
These slow and gentle techniques gradually relax your body. They are performed on the legs, arms, back, torso and head.
The receiver wears comfortable garments. The massage is performed on a floor mat or massage table (if s/he has one).

Benefits of Korean Relaxation Massage

  • Energy : Improves energy flows throughout the body.
  • Physical : Produces deep relaxation of the body.
  • Psychological : Helps you let go and trust others (represented by the practitioner).


Korean relaxation massage is for anyone six or older with no joint problems. Children must be accompanied by a parent.

Korean Relaxation Massage in Pictures



Individual adult session—Time : 1 hour—Fee : €75.
Individual teen session (10-17 years old). Individual child session (4-10 years old) – Time : 45 minutes/30 minutes—Fee : €55.